
Kids {heart} Valentine’s Breakfast

Although Valentines Day is technically on Saturday this year, your children will be doing most of their heart-celebrating at school on Friday. Between loading up the Valentines boxes, candy, cards, and kids – you are not going to have time to channel your inner Martha Stewart and her fabulous (but very fussy) Breakfast Cinnamon Madeleines. Take our advice. Save your inner Martha Stewart for your romantic dinner for two. (Let’s be honest, Martha’s Valentine “Sea Urchin with Jalapeno and Yuzu” recipe won’t happen if you’ve already spent your inner domestic goddess on the kid’s breakfast. In fact if you are anything like us, it still may not happen, but at least give it a fighting chance.) School days are already hectic without conversation hearts falling out of backpacks, so to make this holiday breakfast special think fuss-free. Think Rachael Ray on fast forward. Here is our No Fuss Fabulous breakfast that says in a very simple way, “I love you.”

Valentine Cheerios!
Simply take your child’s favorite cereal, throw in a few Valentine sprinkles and add a heart marshmallow. So cute and so easy.

Toasty Strawberry Hearts!
To make these Toasty Strawberry Hearts simply place a heart shaped cookie cutter on top of your already toasted slice of bread. Spoon your child’s favorite jam into the cookie cutter. Immediately lift up the cookie cutter. You now have an adorable little jam heart for them to spread around!

Another great (and surprisingly very easy) idea comes from our main squeeze and dream BFF, Martha Stewart. Hot Chocolate with Marshmallow Hearts add a special touch to a breakfast on the rush. Martha, of course, refers to them as “confections of affection”…so cute. Click here for her Hot Chocolate recipe and marshmallow cutting instructions!

Check out more No Fuss Fabulous Valentine ideas here:
Chocolate Dipped Krispie Valentine Pops
To Chocolate or not to Chocolate?
Sweetheart Bouquet Lollies
Chocolate Dipped & Strawberry Sprinkled Fortune Cookies
Hearts Joined Garland
Kissable Valentine Pretzels

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