
Chocolate Dipped Krispie Valentine Pops

Rice Krispie squares are an absolute family favorite. Cut them into a heart shape, dip the tops in chocolate, sprinkle, and you have a sweet treat everyone will be head over heels for. These little treats are perfect for a bridal shower, a Valentine’s Day teacher gift, or even just a fun family night treat. Try placing three in a cute pot for an edible love bouquet! Here’s how to creat these fun treats:

Make Rice Krispie Squares according to recipe. I am a little moronic and like to follow the recipe instructions exactly. So if you want to be like me, click here for the official Rice Krsiptie Square recipe.

Once your perfect Rice Krispies are made, cut them into hearts using a Valentine cookie cutter. Any shape really would look adorable. I’ve made X & O’s, as well as flowers, shamrocks, stars, and just plain squares with birthday sprinkles! You really can’t go wrong. Everyone loves a Rice Krispie square.

Place a popsicle or candy stick into each cut-out rice krispie. Place Rice Krispies in refrigerator or freezer for five to ten minutes. The coolness of the rice krispies will help the chocolate adhere quickly and easily to the treats. Melt your chocolate. When treats are sufficiently cool, dip each rice krispie heart individually. Sprinkle each treat immediately after dipping in chocolate being careful to keep them upright while drying. I prefer to place the dipped choclate treats in a tall glass to dry instead of placing them on wax paper in order to not ruin either side of the rice krispie pop. (For more instructions on melting your chocolate check out our previous posts on dipping Chocolate Fortune Cookies or Gourmet White Chocolate Cinnamon Apples.) Finish your Valentine treats by covering them with cellophane and a pink bow. And just for fun, here’s a little tag you can download and print off if you’d like.

Check out more No Fuss Fabulous Valentine ideas here:
PBK Copy Cat Valentine Chair Backer
To Chocolate or not to Chocolate?
Sweetheart Bouquet Lollies
Chocolate Dipped & Strawberry Sprinkled Fortune Cookies
Hearts Joined Garland
Kissable Valentine Pretzels

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