
Lee’s Ojito Update

We received great news from Lee’s doctors recently. They are taking Lee down to only a couple eye medications two times a day! This is a long way from where we were in June and July and August…and well, September too. 🙂 His blindness in the eye can only be fixed with a cornea transplant, but his pain is basically all but gone and the eye is getting closer and closer to being suitable for transplant. If the parasite does not return within the month than they are taking Lee off all medications. He will have to go two to three months without any sign of recurrences medication-free and then they will begin the steps for him to receive a cornea transplant next year! This is much much sooner than expected. We are quite happy. Just thought I’d spread the good news on the blog since most recently my phone is more likely to be in a toybox somewhere than anywhere I would have put it.

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