Adoption Lewis Family Loralee's Life

Together Forever

Families can be together forever.
We flew to Salt Lake this past weekend to seal and bless our little Boston to our family. Our religion believes families are eternal and do not end after death. You are together forever throughout the eternities. This doctrine gives me more peace than you would know. It helps me to know that no matter what happens in this life – no matter what trial or heartache we encounter as a family – the storybook ending will be beautiful. We will all end up together in heaven holding hands as a family as long as I do what is right.
It was a gorgeous day. Boston stared up at us with his big eyes as we placed his tiny hand in ours and sealed him to us forever. Ethan & Vienna were adorable in the sealing room. It wasn’t too long ago that we were there kneeling across the alter sealing them to our little family. I think Ethan remembered. After the short ceremony, we held Ethan, Vienna, and Boston in our arms and stared in the parallel reflecting mirrors in the temple. They seem to go on for eternity. Standing there, surrounded by those we hold dear, we felt so much love for our Heavenly Father and His never ending love for us. It was a sacred and beautiful day. I am a lucky lady. Afterwards, we went outside and my sister Annie took photographs of us on the temple grounds. I didn’t even notice the cold because we were having so much fun! I will post more about the trip soon!

Blog to you soon,

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