
Spring Cleaning Organization Week: Cute Inexpensive Storage


With the Easter holiday concluding, I find my argument to keep dust bunnies around greatly weakened. It’s time to put all my eggs in one basket (Easter puns completely intended). Spring is a lovely time of year to bring your house into order. Join Annie and I this week as we feature fun and easy organization tips to keep our homes clean and tidy! Here is one of our favorite inexpensive organization solutions!

untitled-162 One of the greatest challenges for a family is making sure everything has a place and a place for everything! Storage bins which range from 7 to 47 dollars can become expensive when you need around 3,000 of them.

The good news is that even if you can’t afford to buy Pottery Barn Kids storage options in bulk with just a little creativity you can make storage items just as cute for pennies!

With three children under three between the two of us, Annie and I have seen A LOT of empty Similac cans the past two years. After awhile, we both got tired of the waste and wanted to put the cans to good use! That’s when we began morphing our empty food containers into chic storage units!

Here’s how you can do it!
untitled-17What you need:
1) Empty powdered milk cans OR any empty containters you may have around the house. Oatmeal Quck Oats Tubs work great as well!
2) Scrapbook paper
3) Modge Podge and spong brush or hot glue gun and glue sticks
4) Scissors

Optional Items:
1) Labels
2) Spray Paint

1) Make sure container is clean. Use a paper towel to be sure all powdered milk or previous contents are gone.untitled-13
2) Peel off label of container
3) Cut paper to fit container
4) Using modge podge or hot glue apply paper to container smoothly
5) Let dry

Optional Additions and Ideas:
1) Spray paint container lid to your liking OR add paper to top of lid as well
2) Print out matching labels and apply on top of papered container
3) If you would rather not use scrapbook paper, you can easily just paint the containers. They turn out adorable!

Here are a few more examples of finished containers!



Want more organization tips? Check out these other No Fuss Fabulous ideas:
Beautifully Organized Hangers
No Fuss Headband Holder and DisplayOrganizing Hair Bows with Annie and Loralee

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