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Water Off a Mama Bear’s Back

I’m a pretty tough little chick. My dad often relates the way I handle personal problems to water off a duck’s back. I let things go. I don’t hold on to hurtful things people say about me. I don’t give it too much thought. I never take too much to heart.

I just forget about it. In perfect honesty, I think it’s a gift my Heavenly Father has given me and I am so very grateful for it. That being said, I have learned something new about myself the past few years. I am a duck when it comes to my personal self….

when it comes to



or any of these girls
(not to forget the rest of my extended family and the Daines)

I am no duck.
I am a Mama Bear.

And I’m not talking this kind of Mama Bear.

or this…
I’d be lying to myself, if I told you it looked anything less than this.
It’s pretty much all this.
It’s instinctual and 100% maternal.

According to the Philosophy of Genetics, the mama bear instinct is hard-wired into a woman’s brain. It’s a trait whose development is programmed (by our genes) to unfold in the context of environmental scenarios. Most of the time, I don’t like being Mama Bear. I don’t like the feeling of having to defend “my cubs” but “in the context of [some] environmental scenarios” I have found there is little I can do. I am just mama bear and just recently, I have realized what a gift it is.

Personally, I don’t believe for a second that it has anything to do with biologically bearing or even having children. I believe it has everything to do with being a woman and having a mother heart.

In the past few weeks, quite a few people have mentioned that I remind them of the lady off of the new movie Blind Side. At first, I was a bit annoyed at this because I felt the similarity was only because I was white and have black sons …and I do get very disturbed when people in any way hint that Lee and I are charitable for adopting my children. For the record, we have not done something for them. They have done everything for us. If anyone has been charitable, it has been my children in letting me be their mother. This is not charity. This is us creating our family. I digress. (See what I tell you about my mama bear instinct coming out?!?) Back to my point… Yet after viewing the film and seeing her strong character and no-bull attitude, I can’t tell you how complimentary I have found the comments. I’ve let it all go to my head very quickly. I will forever strive to be that kind of woman …and to have Sandra Bullock’s body. There is a lot I need to work on to become that neat of woman, but there was one part in the movie that I did completely relate to and I think most of the women out there did as well. Sandra Bullock’s character Leigh Anne Touhy is speaking to a gangster-type character named Marcus. Marcus tells her that her newly adopted son, Oher, better sleep with one eye open, implying that he was going to come after him. Sandra’s character just lets loose.
She says without an ounce of fear, “You threaten my son, you threaten meIf you so much as set foot downtown you will be sorry. I’m in a prayer group with the D.A., I’m a member of the NRA and I’m always packing.”
Marcus replies mockingly, Whatchu packin? .22? A little Saturday night special?”
Leigh Anne Touhy replies “Yep. And it shoots just fine every other day of the week too.”

I was smiling ear to ear at that part, because I knew I would probably have done the exact same thing. I smiled even bigger because I knew most of my friends would have done the same thing as well. They are just those kind of women. They have mother hearts and it’s 100% instinctual. It doesn’t matter how easy going I am, you threaten my children – you threaten me. And I will 100% do something about it.

Unfortunately, Lee and I have had to do some things about some things lately. Sometimes doing the right thing is difficult to do, but I think it’s important to follow your heart and the Spirit. I’ve learned something new. Sometimes it’s good to feel anger. Sometimes it’s not always good to be the duck. Once in awhile, you have to be the bear. Being the mama bear protects that what matters most and often get done what is not easily done. I don’t like when I have to be the bear instead of the duck, but this year I have learned that my innate bear is also a gift given to me by my Heavenly Father. It protects my family from harm and (as long as I couple my feelings with prayer), it will bless me and my family just the same. Today I am grateful for all God’s blessings in whatever form they come.

Blog to you soon,

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