Event Paper & Stationery Inspiration and Life Lessons Loralee's Life

See Things From the Other Side

Written by Loralee Lewis

I cried when my kids went back to school this week (I was going holiday stir crazy, but then bawled when they went back!) and I teared up again during the President’s Farewell. I know everyone has different opinions, and feels this way and that about immigration, healthcare, etc. but that aside – Friends,  I adore the Obamas. I think they love each other and are a team. They have such a cute family! I felt the exact same way about the Bushes! And don’t we all want that? Even if you feel differently on another issue?

And don’t even get me started on First Lady Michelle! To have a Harvard-educated, African American lawyer, dancing on late night, who also inspires women all around the world to get an education …well it just has meant so much to show my girls.

The beauty and privilege of being a parent is you put someone above yourself for the first time in a way you never have. For me, I figuratively stepped into another’s skin. When I became a mother, I left the blonde, blue eyed world of Loralee and saw the world from my beautifully dark skinned, darker eyed, curly haired, African babies. And boy, the world was a “darker” place. The blessings and challenges of having brown skin have become acutely aware to me. In some ways, I think I see them more clearly because I know how I am treated as a white lady and I see the differences. I’ve been forever changed. My heart, my desire for equality, my empathy, perspective, and world view has grown ten fold. Since becoming a mother, I’ve changed dramatically. I’ve been lucky during this time to have many friends who give me grace and have mothered me! They are heroes for my children both close and far! I am so grateful for all the African American trailblazers! The Obamas being one of them!

Diversity is important. Not just for the disenfranchised, but for all! We all need to experience life from a new view to become all who God meant us to be!

In 2013, I was paid to do the save the dates and the invitation suite for Granny Sarah Obama’s Birthday Celebration for the Mama Sarah Obama Foundation! It has nothing to do with why I love the Obamas of course. But it seemed fitting to include the photo for Throw Back Thursday!